In englishEesti keeles


Short videos of Amphibear preface and journey around the world. Discussion and comments on Youtube page.

Amphibear around the world with CHIPBOX (in English)

Reuters, Amphibear (in German)

Motors 24, Amphibeari start (in Estonian)

Eagle News International - 'Amphibear' leaves Estonia on land and water trip around the globe

Motors 24 Amphibear. Interior and equipment (in Estonian)

TV Kanal 2 Reporter Amphibear (in Estonian)

Amphibear Lake Maardu Day with Interval Camera.

In Estonian: Motors 24 Amphibear. About car, journey and hydraulics.

Sponsor view on journey. Baltcap, Astrec and Leadpocket representatives statements.

 All rights MarKor Meedia             
Amphibear on Water and Road.

 All rights MarKor Meedia             
Dreams to reality!